please pray

most of you know my sis in law is expecting twins, they just found out they’re girls…that’ll make #3 for them!!!

They also found out that there’s a possibility the twins may have TTTS-twin to twin trasfusion. The Taos Dr’s are sending them to Alb. to go to a high risk specialist tomorrow morning. Please pray they do not have this. Pray the dr’s here will see them looking healthy with a good situation. Please pray for Chris and Kelly’s wisdom and peace through this entire pregnancy. Thanks.

To learn more about TTTS go to

4 thoughts on “please pray

  1. Oh my goodness Sally. We will be praying that God will would be done in their lives and that they would continue to trust and rest in Him during this time. Please keep me updated.

  2. Sally, let them know that they are in our prayers and that the babies are in God’s hands. We know that He is a God of mircles, I know in my heart at times I think that God is going to give me more than I can handle, and in those moments… I have discovered He did that one purpose…just for us to see how awesome He his and what his plan is for us. Thank you for posting this for us. It has helped me put my own life into perpective.
    “For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalms 139:13-14 Keep telling this to the babies your sister-in-law is carrying. For God has a plan for them. He will work in His way and His timing. Let us know what we can do. We love you guys. Tanna, Nathan, Jaden, Bekah, and James

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